1. What time did you get up this
morning? 8.59am (by a hungry cat)
2. How do you like your steak? I don't, haven't for 8 years when the size of American steak turned me off meat.

3. What was the last movie you saw
at the theater? Killing them softly.
4. What is your favorite TV show? I don't watch TV, but if pushed it would be documentaries, home make-over programs and food channels.
5. If you could live anywhere in
the world where would it be? I don't know, I need to visit more places before making such an important decision!
6. What did you have for
breakfast? Cereal with banana, blueberries, almonds and soy milk.
7. Do you wear glasses or
contacts? Recently got glasses (after wanting them all my life!) and love them. Can't understand why anyone would choose contacts over them, but maybe I will in a few more years!
8. What food do you despise? Fast food. Junk food. Refined carbs. I could go on...
9. Favorite Place to Eat? At home! Nothing beats knowing what is going into your food, and I am frugal.
10. Favorite dressing? Just balsamic vinegar normally... I am to lazy to make my own. Pre-made dressings would be on my 'despise' list.
11.What kind of vehicle do you
drive? I don't, yet. I am a bus w*nker!
12. What are your favorite
clothes? Denim shorts and slouchy, oversized tops in summer. Tailored shorts, black opaques and chunky knit jumpers in winter. Classic pieces like Breton stripes, cream blouses, blazers, ankle grazing pants, loafers. Anything black. Anything grunge-chic. And I am partial to a party dress. I could go on...
13. Where would you visit, this
weekend, if you had the chance? . . .
14. How many tattoos do you have? None.
15. Where would you want to
retire? Wherever my family is. Or Southern Italy. Or Southern France. Or the English countryside. Or maybe I will be a go-getter OAP, and will fancy some place happening like NYC, London or Paris. Or someplace else I haven't yet visited. Who knows. I hope its some place beautiful. But mostly where the heart is.
16. What is your desktop photo? Southern California beach sunset.
17. Where were you born? Marston Green Hospital, Birmingham, England.
18. What is your favorite sport to
watch? I don't know, I'm not really into watching sport. I used to like watching Liverpool, and like watching gymnastics and ice-skating in the Olympics.
19. How many siblings? One big bro.
20. Favorite pastime/hobby? Running, yoga, working out, planning, spending time with family, cooking, reading, board games, travelling.
21. Coffee Drinker? Yes. Espresso in Paris or Fraps in Charleston, preferably. Mmmmmm.
23. Are you a morning person or a
night person? Sometimes morning, sometimes afternoon. Hardly ever a night person now, I like my bed to much!
24. Do you have any pets? Pepper, my three-year old cat who acts more like a cheeky monkey and looks more like a bat.
25. Any new and exciting news
you'd like to share? I'm hoping to go on a ghost walk this Wednesday for Halloween!
26. What did you want to be when
you were little? A hairdresser. I always would play hairdresser, either actually 'cutting' hair or pretending my Dad's spare desk was my reception when I had days of school sick. So much fun, I used to make him ring up the phone on my desk for appointments and schedule them all in.
27. What is your favorite color?
Black or grey for threads. Favourite colour colour is turquoise, but I am not much of a bright colour person.
28. Are you a cat or dog person? Who says you can only be one or the other?! Does my head in. I love both.
29. Are you married? Nope. The thought of a wedding ceremony makes me feel sick.
30. Always wear your seat belt? Yup - silly not to! Safety first!
31. Been in a car accident? One time a car reversed into the car i was in, was only a tiny 'bump' (we were only going 5mph) but i guess it an accident - noone meant for it to happen!
32. Any pet peeves? Loads. I am a moody, irritable and short-tempered person. Trying not to be, but mainly stupid people, ignorant people (two sides of the same coin I guess), obnoxious people, small-minded people. Oh and messy people.
33. Favorite Pizza Toppings? Goats cheese, sun dried tomatoes, mushrooms, spinach, garlic, mmmmmm.
34. Favorite Flower? I like lilies, even though they are 'funeral flowers'. Flowers in general are pretty amazing!
35. Favorite ice cream? I don't know, I don't really eat ice cream. I used to love cookie-dough, and crazy American flavours with peanut butter cups in are nice, but I prefer frozen yogurt (still with peanut butter cups though, of course!)
36. Favorite fast food restaurant?
None. I would never eat fast food out of choice.
37. How many times did you fail
your driver's test? None, but probably only cause I haven't took one yet.
38. From whom did you get your
last email? Probably some automated email from a health magazine, or shopbop. Noone sends me emails now uni is over!

39. Which store would you choose
to max out your credit card? Galleries Lafayette or Liberty.
40. Like your job? The work I have been doing is rewarding, a challenge to say the least, but on the downside its sporadic and temporary. The money is nice and the experience is getting me in the right direction with where I want to be!
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