

At the beginning of this year, I consciously avoided a new year’s resolution. Instead, I set myself monthly goals in order to make the things I wanted to achieve into more approachable and achievable. I tried my best to keep up with these goals, but January to May was also the final semester of my undergraduate degree, so I stayed realistic about my priorities.


As July is now upon us, I am finally settling into my post-university swing. June has been so much busier than I anticipated… I figured once I finished uni I would get to relax for a while, maybe go away some place sunny, visit my family and get around to doing all the things I haven’t been able to for the past five months (hello, pampering and shopping!) Turns out, real life is just as, if not more busy than that last final push of academia!  I underestimated the adjustments into the ‘real world’. Granted, the things I am now consumed with are slightly more enjoyable, but they are still time consuming!

Jen’s post two days ago struck a chord with me. I took her advice to reassess how my goals are going by utlising July as a six-month check in, appropriate not only as were half-way through the year but especially because this is an highly transitional time for me. Am I were I thought I would be? What’s going right? What needs to change? How can that happen?

Some people may consider such introspective futile, but I find its important to examine the little things to avoid getting swept up in overbearing, negative thoughts of the direction of my life. Thoughts such as ‘what am I doing with my life?’ are scary, especially when we compare ourselves to our peers who seem to have everything falling into place.

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June has been bitter-sweet for me. I am relieved to finally finish such intense studying, yet at a loss with where my life is heading from here. I am anxious about my routine evaporating. I felt really low after my last exam, which I thought went awful. The pressure to get arbitrary things in order hung over me, whereas everyone else seemed to be off enjoying themselves and celebrating. I had some ideas of where I wanted my life to go, but I had been so consumed with uni work they had fallen to the wayside. I had designated June as a month to get stuff done, I deflated as it drew to a close - I was way behind on where I wanted to be.   

But I need to get realistic. I have already made some real big achievements this year. I have:

  • Finish Uni & graduate -  Done. The biggie! So so sooo happy about this one. Words can’t explain. My hard work was recognised in a first class degree, and I won a prize for my dissertation being  the best in the year. Only 6 more days until i graduate...
  • Sort out resume & post-graduation plan More on this another time. . .
  • Stay on a budget - Done, for the first year ever. Really proud of myself for this one. Granted I didn’t have much time for a life this year, but still big achievement for me.
  • Do at least one fun, new each month - Done.  This is going well. I didn't achieve this every month (some months I didn't leave the library...) but so far this year I have been on a horse riding trek, started hot yoga and visited lots of local museums and places on interest.
  • Manage stress healthfully - Done, but obviously this is an ongoing one. Had less than 5 cigarettes this year, and completely overcome my craving for them, they now disgust me. I've only been drinking in moderation, and have had minimal panic attacks that have got out of control. Running has helped this so much, more on this in a later post.
  • Practice yoga consistently - Done. I am really happy with my level of yoga practice right now, but am hoping to increase it as I get more into a new routine.
  • Body pump 2-3 times a week - Done - Managed to keep this up bar one, crazy hectic dissertation writing month. Now I am back to my pre-break weights and feeling better than ever, and my amazing dissertation mark was worth the break. Might have to lower this to twice a week when my milage starts to go up for my next goal....
  • Run half marathon - Doing - Registered and now in training - September 30th!

So I didn’t accomplish all of my January - June goals, who cares. Everything I achieved alongside my degree is a bonus for me. The things I have left to do are non-essential, and I feel that in July – August these will be fully accomplishable.

So without further ado, my July goals are:
  • Learn to drive - This is one for July & August. This last month has really given me the final push to finally do it!
  • Stick to skin routine - have got so much better, but still struggle with this.
  • Drink more green tea -Why am I struggling with this so much? I used to be a green tea fiend. Need to get back on this.
  • Master making sushi, get back in the kitchen.
  •  Paint hallway
  •  Clean carpets
  •  Invest in drill and finally get pictures up

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View the beginning of each new month as a fresh start. Allowing for such regular review and modification of goals is essential for keeping it realistic, achievable and accurate - essential for calming any anxiety and stress about where life is heading. Remember to reflect on and celebrate what you have already achieved; this is great motivation to keep you on track with your future targets!

I encourage you to ask yourself; Are you were you thought you would be by this point? What’s going right? What needs to change? How can that happen?

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