I stretched out my graduation celebrations to milk the occasion as much as
possible... finishing my dissertation, finishing my exams, finding out my
results and finding out my prize all warranted their own celebration, cards and
presents (mostly from myself, ranging from a good long run to Topshop treats)
To be fair, my hard work, great results and amazing prize verified this, plus I
had a lot of catching up to do from all the non-socializing that accompanied my
final year.
That been said, graduation day itself was amazing and truly the icing on the
cake. A day which I had initially dreaded and only agreed to for my Dad and Granddad’s
sake turned out to be so much fun and such a lovely day. . .
The day started as usual with my usual porridge breakfast to set me up for
the day. It was so nice to have Tj at home for the day, especially for a cheeky
lie-in till 8.45am. I had considered trying to squeeze in an early morning run,
but rearranged my workout schedule for the week in favor of a relaxing morning.
We got ourselves ready at a leisurely pace, as we waited for my other guests to
arrive. My Dad, Granddad, Brother and old school friend Danielle arrived at
11am, and it was teas and coffee all round and a little catch up.

Before heading over to the campus to case out the parking situation,
register for the ceremony we had a quick, light lunch to avoid a rush once I
got back. I opted for a cheese salad sandwich for ease; it was a nice treat
that always takes me back to my childhood at my grandparents after school. At
1pm we picked up my cap and gown and sorted out the remaining tickets we needed
(the one blip in the plan) which thankfully was easily resolved. I caught a
glimpse of some graduates from the morning ceremony and got really anxious
waiting in line to register, but the day went so fast from here they disappeared
for a while! We got back to find my Granddad thrashing everyone at chess, and
it was finally time for me to put on my dress (left it to the last moment to
avoid spills) and make my final call on jewelry and accessories.

Once ready, we toasted the day with a champagne cocktail and I thanked
everyone for coming. A photo-shoot ensued as I got a kick out of wearing my
cap (thanks to Zak for playing photographer for the day!) I somehow ended up drinking two and a half cocktails before leaving, Dutch
:) best |
danielle and me |
lol |
l-r - bro, g-dad, me, dad |
photographer of the day |
We all made our way to the Sports Hall and to our designated seats, and I
was dressed in my
cape gown. It felt like the Harry Potter set seeing
everyone in their formal academic dress, especially the procession, a medieval
tradition which did seem slightly cultish. The sole of my Granddad’s shoe randomly
came off, and a lovely attendant fixed it for him with a rubber band. She was
waiting for him when he had a bathroom break to fix it with some glue (which he
mistook for eye drops and offered to put in her eye) Bless him!
As soon as I was seated I began to get nervous as I was now sitting on my
own. An attendant came around and instructed us what we were to do as we
crossed over the stage, and I began to get butterflies. I squeezed in a quick
last-minute trip to the toilet before the ceremony started, which was nice but
a bit long (after all, there was about 1000 people graduating!) The vice-chancellor
opened with an inspiring speech that made me more excited about the significance
of my graduation, and made me proud of all my hard work.

The emotional moment was replaced with nerves as it drew closer to my time
to cross the stage. My class was second to go up, and I was DREADING this part.
As my row made its way up, I tried to hide my nerves and seem confident even
though I felt literally sick. I can’t believe how nervous I got, I tried to
remember Tj telling me this was the easy part but I felt more nervous than in
my exams! The prospect of walking across the stage by myself in heels (not my
forte) as they announced my names was terrifying. A curt woman sorted out my
gown and hat and ruthlessly pushed me off to the stage. My mind was going 100
miles an hour, wondering what to do with my hands, wondering if the crowd would
clap for me, the timing of my walk, how I would bow to the mace (I decided not
to as this seemed to weird and too much to consider) how I would shake hands,
all the people sitting in the crowd, my friends and family watching me in the
big screens at the front and from the marque as I studied everyone going across
in front of me to copy…. Eeeeeeeeeeeek.
hand shaking |
A nice man in a silly hat that had a big warm smile who checked my name calmed
me down a little bit, he reminded me of Dumbledore! Then there was no more time
to think and I was walking across the stage thinking ,
but luckily the crowd didn’t stop clapping (they didn’t to anyone, obviously!).
finally got to the other side and the vice chancellor congratulated me by name
as I shook his hand, but I was too nervous and said ‘thanks!’ over him. I was
presented with my diploma and a cheeky badge that says I am part of the Nottingham
alumni club and scurried back to my seat as quickly as possible, and blushed ferociously
as Tj and my Dad stood up to take pictures of me.
Back in my seat my heart rate began to slow down, and I began to enjoy
watching the 950 others have their moment, clapping people I knew, judging
outfit choices and trying to catch my families eye in the crowd to give them a
wave. The ceremony concluded with a chance for us to show our applause for all
those who had supported us through our degrees, and I gave an extra loud clap
to my dad who has been literally
the best dad in the world these past
few years and got a bit teary.
Tj and I |
take 5 |
wizard cult |
Back outside I was reunited with everyone, learnt of my granddads bathroom escapades and everyone’s take on some funny moments, before mass picture-taking ensued. It was past five as we headed over to the reception, where my guests cased out the buffet and I waited in a really long queue to get my official photograph taken with my papa, as we rehashed our plan for the day. A slight panic ensued as we became pressed for time for our dinner reservations at 6.30pm, but it all worked out fine in the end as we met up at Sinatra’s for my graduation meal.
our party minus zak |
The Pimms at the reception had caught my eye, and I was famished after six
hours without food so promptly inhaled one, including the strawberry, raspberry
and cucumber garnish. Can’t take me anywhere!
We were given complimentary champagne
to toast the occasion and had a great time talking and laughing as we waited
for the most delicious meal I have eaten in a long time,
fresh sea bass fillet served on a saffron and crab
risotto with grated fennel and sauce vierge. Everyone’s food looked
amazing. After dinner I enjoyed an Italian coffee, and split a baileys
cheesecake with my dad. Mmmmmmmmmm
my bro and I |
It was gone 9pm when we left the restaurant, time sure flies when you’re
having fun! We said goodbye to my dad and granddad who were heading back to Birmingham,
before the rest of us hit the town for fun times. I got to show my brother and Danielle
some of my favorite haunts in Nottingham and enjoy some delicious cocktails,
and we all had a real good laugh. I didn’t get to sleep until gone 3am, so had
a nice long lie-in yesterday to catch up on my beauty sleep.
cocktails at coco tang, my fave |
I woke up feeling surprisingly fresh, and once everyone felt human again (I mention
no names… ;) ) my brother, Danielle and I pottered down to Beeston for coffee
and lunch. We then took an afternoon stroll around Highfields lake, enjoyed an
ice cream and feed some baby ducks.
It was the first nice weather we have had in ages!
love having this on my doorstep |
big puddles |
danielle and I infront of the lake and trent building |
tree climbing |
family |
so cute |
family |
what is this bird? so weird... |
stepping stones |
waterfall |
sunshine and fishes |
I have now fully caught up on sleep, tidying and laundry, and am about to go
out and run my scheduled 5 miles I skipped yesterday. I’m happy with being
flexible and letting life get in the way when I had such an amazing few days. Thanks
everybody who made it a fabulous few days!
Hope/glad you had a lovely day - you really really deserved it - DFCC xxx