
lately . . .

I feel I've been up to so much during my blogging hiatus, so here's what I've a quick catch up with what I've been doing lately . . .

A very late spring spruce up

I didn't really get around to a proper spring clean this year, but am slowly making up for it tackling the big things on my 'to do' list I have been putting off for a while. I have cleaned my oven (it looks AMAZING, so crazy compared to before!) and finally started repainting my hallway after three years of hating the putrid yellow colour it was. So far I've just painted over it white, as still can't decide which colour to go for.

I have also begun working on adding some decoration and homely touches to many of my rooms in my house. I have been hanging pictures and adding flowers and decorations. Still alot to do in terms of this one! 
glassware haul, courtesy of my lovely grandad!

Learning to drive

Finally bit the bullet with this one! I was hoping to have passed by the end of the year, but thats looking a little unrealistic now, so I'm now aiming for the end of January. I'm enjoying it alot more this time round and just cant wait to finally be able to drive now. Got my theory test this week so fingers crossed!

Fun with friends

wholesome fun...
....and not so wholesome lol

lots of this

Autumn walks


 I have been on several lovely autumn walks, full of lots of laughter. Love seeing the vibrant colours and getting out into the fresh air, as well as yummy coffee and cake pit stops.

Fireworks  on bonfire night


Cooking up a storm in the kitchen

Now I am back at work, I have been spending my weekends prepping for the week ahead. This has meant lots of time in the kitchen, cooking and baking all sorts of goodies with the seasonal produce I have been picking up. I have made huge batches of pumpkin and carrot and coriander soup, roasted trays of sweet potatoes, parsnips and butternut squash, cooked grains and legumes for the week, pre-boiled eggs and cut up vegis for healthy snacks, baked some delicious (and healthy!) snack bars and granola, and made a huge chili non-carni for quick, warming dinners on cold, dark nights.
Feeling mega organised and enjoying the seasonal change, not feeling at all deprived of summer daylight or dining! I will share some recipes soon.
Lots of cuddles  with my baby

and finally, lots of early mornings


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