
weekly recaps + some Saturday morning running motivation

I will be including a weekly update on my training as of this Sunday.... musing over how my runs have gone that week (both physically and mentally), highlights and any problems I have encountered, favourite running songs of the week, my appetite (I have heard this is going to skyrocket as I get further into training, and while I don't want to over think this as I am sure that in itself will unconsciously make me hungrier! I want to pay attention to this to avoid any excess weight gain, a common side effect of distance training) and whatever else I think of to add!

I am considering maybe including my weekly body composition stats and weight here, as I am curious how this training will affect these weekly, but am still undecided on this as I am not doing this training for weight-loss. Yes, I feel I have a little excess flesh on me that I would be happy to say goodbye to, but this is mainly because I feel it would help me with the goal of my training - improving my running and being able to not only run the distance but run it well. So be sure to check back for that!

But for now I am out to run my scheduled 40min tempo run, which I will be posting on this afternoon!

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So what are you waiting for?! Go run! :)

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